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5 Ways to Serve an Email List

January 12, 2018


So maybe you’ve started an email list, or you’re thinking about bit but you’re wondering: what in the heck will I send out to people and how can I handle that extra work? Maybe you’ve figured out a (non-spammy) way to ask people to join your email list and you’re watching people subscribe and it excites you – but you’re also a little scared that you’re now committed to actually sending them emails and you’re not sure where to start or how to hit “send” with confidence…. sound familiar?

Tips and tricks

Sharing your trade “secrets” can be an awesome way to serve your audience. Chances are, you’re one step ahead of those who follow you and while it might not feel like it, you have insight, knowledge, and know how that can help others. Those things that are common sense and easy for you? They might be game changers for those subscribers. Sharing tips and tricks can be quick and easy! No need to get complicated. What are some life or business hacks you’ve recently learned that your audience might love to?

An Email Series that Serves

There is something special about doing a little email series that allows you to dive deep on a specific topic over a series of emails. Sometimes content like this takes a little more time to digest and an email series can address big topics slowly and over time. We love to do weekly emails on a certain topic that last about a month because it gives our audience time to actually read, learn, and implement. This allows you to check a few newsletters off your list while diving deeper into a topic you love talking about (and it helps your subscribers get used to opening your emails!)

Free challenge

Everyone loves a good challenge! One of the biggest times of growth in my email list was when I did a 7 day Instagram challenge leading people through ideas, teachings and assignments each day while supporting each other in the process. There’s something exciting about joining a challenge and a definite energy comes from hosting a challenge that lands in inboxes every day for a period of time. This can be delivered via your email and be a great way to provide teaching and value. I also recommend facilitating some sort of community so that challenges can work together towards the bigger goal!

A welcome series

This is a must-do for anyone with an email list. Statistics show that the FIRST email you ever send someone on your email list is the most read and opened one you’ll ever send. Think about it, it comes at a time right after they have raised their hand to hear more from you. What about extending this welcome email into a series telling them more about you, your business, your mission, how you show up in the world over a series of weeks? Check, check and check (I’m just getting you all your email content ready for you for the year, aren’t I?) I recommend doing a 3-5 part series of emails that walks people through you, what you’re offering, your story, and then what they can expect as a subscriber on your email list!

Host a giveaway

Giveaways can be an awesome way to not just serve your subscribers but to also get more people to your list in the first place! Treat your email subscribers like VIP’s and release information and opportunities to them first. Any giveaway you might be hosting online – do it via a newsletter! While it’s tempting to use giveaways to grow your social audiences it’s important to remember that you don’t own those followers and so directing them to a place where you can claim control and be in charge of how and when you reach out is key! Giveaways can also give you the chance to partner with other brands and businesses while growing and serving your lists in tandem.

Consistency is so important when it comes to serving your audience. There is nothing worse than only emailing when you have something to sell and this can be the biggest turnoff (and source of unsubscribes!). Serve 80% of the time so that when you do have an offer, it is well received and welcomed because you’ve already shown up earned a spot in their inbox.


The How-To Guide to Email Lists

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  1. Jade says:

    So helpful thanks Jenna for continuing to write continuing to serve and selling us very cool wonderful things that help in our business or that will make friends smile (the enough necklace)

  2. Ali says:

    Thank you so much for this, Jenna! I’m working to grow my email list in fun, unique and organic ways and this was so, so inspiring. Keep doin’ what you’re doing, lady!



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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